
About Me

Meet Courtney Reads A Lot 

Welcome to my book blog and thanks for stopping by! As you can probably tell, my name is Courtney. I'm 25 and a relatively recent college graduate. I've been blogging since July 2012. Obviously, I LOVE to read. For me, reading is as necessary as breathing. I almost always have my nose in a book. I love to curl up with a blanket, a steaming mug of tea and a book. You will frequently find me in a Barnes & Noble buying books I do not need. 

I have wayyyyyy too many books, and I've officially ran out of bookshelf room. I read a variety of genres. Recently, I've been reading all young adult and fantasy. I also love the classics, poetry, Gothic novels, short stories, science fiction, horror and mystery. Some of my all-time favorite books are The Book Thief, The Great Gatsby, Jane Eyre, Dracula, The Historian, Lord of the Rings, The Glass Castle, The Passage, Harry Potter and so many more!

Along with reading, I'm an aspiring writer. Unfortunately, I need to make the time to write. I would love to write a fantasy series. In fantasy, we find reality. I am inspired by so many authors. My favorites are Stephen King, J.R.R. Tolkien, Tamora Pierce and J.K. Rowling.

Hmmm...what else? I love thunderstorms, movie marathons and chai tea. I'm kind of a nerd, and if you'd like to talk Supernatural or Buffy the Vampire Slayer for hours with me, I will not stop you. If you like playing Legend of Zelda or watching 80's movies, we should be best friends.

My boyfriend and I have way too many animals, and I'm almost always tripping over a cat or dog. But I love each and every furball! Even when they try to interrupt my reading by curling up on a book!

I'm always up for chatting about books! I would love for you to follow and comment! Also, check out my Twitter, Google+, Facebook and Goodreads accounts, and feel free to follow there as well!



  1. "In fantasy, we find reality" That's beautiful and something I completely agree with. Good luck with your writing.

  2. Okay, the obvious question--Sam or Dean?
    And THE GREAT GATSBY is one of my favorites, too. Fitzgerald's writing is so beautifully lyrical. Love it!


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